بالانجليزي عن اليخت سهل وقصير ، ننشر لكم تحميل مواضيع اللغة الانكليزية للصف التاسع الأساسي ، ففي القناة نيوز تستمر التغطية الإخبارية بتقديم أحدث مواضيع انجليزي للصف التاسع للطلاب في سوريا ، ويقوم المدرسين في سوريا بطلب مواضيع انجليزي للصف التاسع سهله من الطلاب ، ولم يجد التلاميذ السوريين طلبهم سوى هاهنا في القناة نيوز , جميع مواقع مديريات التربية التعليم في محافظات سوريا تطلب من طلاب المدارس كتابة موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة للصف الثامن في سوريا وسوف تجدون في هذة الصفحة جميع روابط مديريات التربية والتعليم بسوريا حيث يمكنكم ان تنزلوا احلى موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة للصف الثامن هنا.
لكل الطلاب المتفوقين نقدم تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي موضوع عن الرياضة بالانجليزي ونماذج متميزة ومترجمة موضوع تعبير انجليزي عن الرياضة قصير مترجم مقالة عن الرياضة بالانجليزي والعربي سهل الطلاب والطالبات المتميزين تبحث عن براجراف عن اهمية الرياضة بالانجليزي مع الترجمة ,مقالات أكاديمية عن الرياضة بالانجليزي من أمام شاشات الكمبيوتر يبحثون عن موضوع تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي بعد كثرة البحث عن مقالة عن الرياضة بالانجليزي والعربي هل تبحث عن موضوع بالانجليزي قصير وسهل عن الرياضة، تعبير بالانجليزي عن الرياضه قصير ,تعبير قصير مترجم عن الرياضة, اجمل تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي .
نزل موضوع انكليزي للصف الثامن عن الرياضة
أكتب موضوع تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي:-
- تناول الغذاء الصحي .
- الإقلال من الحلويات والدهون.
- ممارسة التمارين الرياضية.
موضوع بالانجليزي قصير وسهل عن الرياضة
ممارسة التمارين الرياضية مهمة من أجل الحفاظ على اللياقة البدنية, وبالإضافة للرياضة البدنية، يجب تناول الطعام الصحي المتوازن والمفيد للجسم, الرياضة تحافظ على الجسم من مخاطر الأمراض.
محادثة بالانجليزي عن الرياضة قصيرة
Exercise sports important in order to maintain physical fitness, as well as a gym, you should eat a balanced and useful healthy food for the body, sport keeps the body from disease risks.
معلومة : حتى تتمكن من كتابة موضوع تعبير او مقال للمدرسة وخاصة باللغة الانجليزية تابع مشاهدة وسماع الأخبار على شبكة الانترنت الاجنبية ,هو أفضل من قراءة الصحف لأنه يمكنك دائما الحصول على أخبار مع الصور الحية وأشرطة فيديو عن الأحداث بسرعة ومجاناً.
تنتهى الفترة التى حددتها وزارة التعليم للطلاب لعمل مواضيع تعبير انجليزي وعربي للصف التاسع في سوريا، التى انطلقت وتنتهى أعمال هذه الشريحة تعبير عن الرياضة بالانجليزي قصير مترجم على أن يعاد فتح المرحلة مرة أخرى عقب إعلان نتيجة الامتحانات.
pargraph عن fact file ، موضوع انجليزي عن الرياضة للصف الثامن في سوريا مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الثاني ، هلموا يا طلابنا للتعرف على جديد مواضيع التعبير السهلة والتي تناسب كافة الفئات الطلابية هذا العام
أقرأ ايضــا.. الموضوع الثاني انكليزي 1- Write a paragraph about life 50 years ago: Life was different fifty years ago. People used to walk because there were no cars. People used to use oil lamps before the electrical lamps. To add, there were no e-mails, people sent letters by post. There were no planes, people took long times for journeys. All in all, it was a difficult life 50 years ago. 1 اكتب موضوع تحددث فيه عن الحياة منذ 50 عاما: كانت الحياة مختلفة قبل خمسين عاما. اعتاد الناس على المشي بسبب عدم وجود سيارات. اعتاد الناس على استخدام مصابيح الزيت قبل المصابيح الكهربائية. بالاضافة الى ذلك، لم تكن هناك رسائل البريد الإلكتروني، إرسل الناس الرسائل عن طريق البريد. لم تكن هناك طائرات، استغرق الناس أوقات طويلة في الرحلات. في النهاية، كان الحياة صعبة منذ 50 عاما. 2-Reading a newspaper is better than reading news on the Internet. Write your reasons for or against the statement: I think reading news on the net is better than reading a newspaper because you can always get the news with live pictures and videos about the events fast. Wherever you are and whatever you are, you can read the news online for free. For me, the net news is more joyful. 3 Write a paragraph about a story using: when, where, how..: When Rami was on holiday with his family, they went for a walk in the forest. They had walked for 2 hours in the forest where they got lost. His dad called the police for help. The family had to wait 3 hours till the police arrived. It was a bad day in their life! 4 Write a paragraph about a tale you heard: Once upon a time, an old man asked his 3 sons to give him a valuable thing. The eldest boy brought him a gold ring and the younger gave his father money. When the father asked his youngest son «What will you give me, dear? », he replied “My love, my dear dad!” 5 -Write a paragraph about the following idea: It’s better to watch news on TV than read a newspaper. I think I can get more details about news on TV, and it is more interesting to see pictures about what is happening and watch people talking about the event. However, we read newspapers to pass time on a bus, a train or a plane because there is no TV to watch the news. 6- Write about the worst day of your life: I’ll never forget the first day of my new job. First of all, I didn’t hear the alarm clock and missed the bus. Then I walked an hour to the firm. It was 10:00 a.m. when I met my boss. He was upset and asked me to work for extra times without a break. It was really the worst day in my life. Dear Sara, Last Friday, my brother and I went for a walk in the forest. We got very thirsty because we had forgot water at home. But, we went by the lake after a long walk. I got down to the water and filled a glass of water for us. We sat there for 1 hour then we came back home. Rami 8- Describe the weather and climate in your country: The climate in my country is cold in winter, hot and sunny in summer, but it is cool and windy in both spring and autumn. It doesn’t rain or snow a lot, but it’s very hot in summer. However, it’s cool in the mountain villages, so people go there on holidays every summer. 9 -Where does your family go on holiday? What do you do on holiday? On summer holidays, my family usually stays in a hotel by the sea. There, I go swimming with my brothers in the morning. Then my family and I have fish in a restaurant. In the evening, we go for a walk by the sea. The weather is very nice. We have fun on our holidays. 10- Choose one tourist sight in your town or city and write a paragraph about it: Right in the heart of Damascus, stands the old Umayyad Mosque, a holy place for Muslims. It’s a famous building which was built about 1300years ago. It’s built of stones and decorated with mosaic. It has three minarets, a dome, a big prayer hall, and a big yard with a fountain. It’s a unique and beautiful monument in my city. 11- Talk about the traffic in your town or city: There is too much traffic in my city. Roads are always jammed with cars and big buses which cause a big problem. For example, you are often late for work or school. To add, this traffic jam makes much air pollution and causes a lot of noise. In short, the traffic in my city is heavy and very bad. 12 -Write a paragraph about the city or town you live in: I live in Bloudan in the countryside. It’s a beautiful and quiet town. We work in its fields, growing crops, fruit and vegetables. We also keep sheep and cows. In summer, people come to stay in my lovely town for its healthy weather and its wonderful green nature. I love my town a lot. Damascus is an internal city with a dry weather, heavy traffic, air pollution, trade and business. It has high buildings, firms, markets and malls. However, Lattakia is a coastal city with humid climate, sea resorts, green forests and lower traffic. There are beautiful houses, green fields and a lot of shops. All in all, Damascus and Lattakia are completely different, but both are nice. 14- Write a website page for tourists about your town or city: From: Rami2014@hotmail.com Hi friends, I am Rami, from Syria. I want to tell you about my town, Bosra. It’s an old town with famous things of old buildings. It has got a great theatre which can hold 15000 people. The audience can see the stage and hear the voice from it clearly. Bosra is a beautiful tourist site in Syria. Come and visit us . Best wishes Rami الموضوع عربي : 15 -Write a fact file about a tourist site in Syria: Palmyra, the city of great ruins, is in the Syrian Desert. It has got stone buildings that spread here and there, broken arches, a long street with tall stone columns and the great Roman theatre. Such a journey teaches you a lot about the history of Palmyra. You can also stay in the hotel, eat and sleep there. All in all, Palmyra is a wonderful tourist site in Syria. اكتب ملف حقائق حول موقع سياحي في سورية: تقع تدمر, مدينة الآثار العظيمة, في صحراء سورية. يوجد فيها مباني حجرية منتشرة هنا و هناك, و أقواس متكسرة, و شارع طويل ذو أعمدة حجرية طويلة, و المسرح الروماني الكبير. رحلة كتلك تعلمك الكثير عن تاريخ مدينة تدمر. يمكنك أيضا الإقامة في الفندق و تناول الطعام و النوم هنالك. باختصار, إن مدينة تدمر موقع سياحي رائع في سورية. 16- Write a story about a day out in a town or city: Last June, my friends and I went to Lattakia. It took us three hours to get there by car. We saw an old man fishing in his small boat. We asked if we could try fishing. It was exciting experience although no one of us could catch a fish. It was really a nice day by the sea. اكتب قصة عن يوم قضيته خارجا في بلدة أو مدينة ذهبت أنا و أصدقائي إلى اللاذقية في حزيران الماضي. استغرقنا ثلاث ساعات للوصل بالسيارة. هنالك رأينا رجلا عجوز يصطاد السمك في قاربه الصغير. و سألناه إن كان بإمكاننا محاولة الصيد. لقد كانت تجربة مثيرة بالرغم أن أحدا منا لم يستطع اصطياد سمكة واحدة. كان حقا يوم جميل على البحر. 17- Use the notes to write about New Zealand talking about: area, population, languages, geography and cities : New Zealand is a big country with a population of 4,000,000. It is 600 km to the east of Australia and it is two islands. It is bigger than Japan and smaller than the UK. The capital city is Wellington. Auckland is the largest city and has one third of the population. People speak English and Maori. It is also has surfing beaches, Nelson- dunes, palm trees and three national parks. استخدم الملاحظات لتكتب عن نيوزيلاندا متحدثا عن المساحة و السكان و الجغرافيا و اللغات و المدن: نيوزيلندا هي دولة كبيرة يبلغ عدد سكانها 4،000،000 . و هي تبعد 600 كم إلى الشرق من أستراليا، وتتألف من جزيرتين. إنها أكبر من اليابان وأصغر من المملكة المتحدة. العاصمة هي ولينغتون. أوكلاند هي أكبر مدينة وفيها ثلث عدد السكان. الناس يتحدثون اللغة الإنجليزية والماورية. يوجد فيها أيضا شواطئ ركوب الأمواج، وكثبان نيلسون، وأشجار النخيل وثلاث حدائق وطنية. 18 Write a paragraph about a medical discovery. Give your reasons why you think it is important: I think vaccination is a great medical discovery. Pasteur discovered it by making the bacteria weak. Then he gave weak bacteria to a boy bitten by a mad dog for 14 times till he recovered. That was because the weak bacteria produced antibiotics that made the bacteria weak and be eaten by the white blood cells. In my opinion, vaccination is an important discovery because it saves us from different diseases. اكتب موضوعا عن اكتشاف طبي و أعط أسبابك المسوغة لأهميته: In order to keep fit, first of all, you should eat healthy food and avoid eating sweets and fat. Moreover, it is good to do sport exercises, such as running and any ball games. It is also important to sleep at least for 6 hours. In short, it is easy to be fitter by eating healthy food, doing daily exercises and sleeping enough at night. 20 Write a healthy diary for a week: To keep fit, I have a healthy diary for a week. I go running, do aerobic and play football twice a week. I also have light breakfast, healthy lunch, but I never have dinner. In addition, I go to sleep early and go to school by foot. It’s a good idea to have a diary to keep healthy through your life. اكتب مذكرة صحية لأسبوع: لدي مذكرة صحية لأسبوع لأحافظ على رشاقتي. فأنا أمارس الركض و التمارين الهوائية و ألعب كرة القدم مرتين أسبوعيا. أيضا أتناول فطورا خفيفا و غداء صحي, لكنني لا أتناول العشاء أبدا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك, أنام باكرا و أذهب إلى المدرسة مشيا على الأقدام. إنها لفكرة جيدة أن تمتلك مذكرة صحية كي تحافظ على رشاقتك خلال حياتك. 21- Write some sentences giving advice about how to make friends at a new school: It’s not difficult to make friends at a new school. First, you should open your heart and smile. Then you should introduce yourself and speak kindly. You should also pay attention to your friends’ speech. After that, invite them to have a cup of coffee together. At the end, suggest making a team of true friends. In brief, get more friends with some easy steps. اكتب بعض الجمل تعطي نصائح عن كيفية تكوينك أصدقاء في المدرسة: ليس من الصعب أن تكسب الأصدقاء في مدرسة جديدة. أولا، يجب أن تفتح قلبك و تبتسم. ثم عليك تقديم نفسك والتحدث بلطف. يجب عليك أيضا أن تولي اهتماما لحديث أصدقائك. بعد ذلك، ادعوهم لشرب قدحا من القهوة معا. في النهاية، اقترح أن تشكلوا فريقا من الأصدقاء الحقيقيين. باختصار، احصل على المزيد من الأصدقاء من خلال بعض الخطوات السهلة. 22-Write a paragraph about a sport you would like to do or recommend: I think playing in a team is an exciting sport to take up. However, you should do a sport that doesn’t hurt you. For example, try tennis, basketball or volleyball. These sports are easy and help you to keep fit and active. It’s a good idea to play a friendly match every now and then. For me, playing in a team is the best choice. اكتب موضوعا عن رياضة تحب أن تمارسها أو تنصح بها: أعتقد أن اللعب ضمن فريق رياضة مثيرة تبدأها. و مع ذلك, عليك أن تمارس رياضة لا تؤذيك. على سبيل المثال، جرب التنس، كرة السلة أو الكرة الطائرة. هذه الرياضة سهلة وتساعدك على الحفاظ على لياقتك وحيويتك. إنها لفكرة جيدة أن تلعب مباراة ودية بين الحين والآخر. في رأيي، اللعب ضمن فريق هو أفضل اختيار. 23- Write a paragraph recommending your anxious friend how to become fit: If I were you, dear friend, I would wake up early and go running around the park. It’s good to do that for 30 minutes every day. You should also go swimming for an hour every day to be fit. Why don’t you ask some of your friends to go swimming together? By this way, you would encourage one another to do such exercises. By this way, you would be fit in short time. اكتب موضوعا تنصح فيه صديقك القلق بطرقة يصبح فيها رشيقا: لو أني مكانك, صديقي العزيز, لاستيقظت باكرا و ركضت حول الحديقة 30 دقيقة كل يوم. عليك أيضا أن تسبح ساعة يوميا لتصبح رشيقا. لمَ لا تطلب من بعض أصدقائك السباحة معا؟ بهذه الطريقة سوف تشجعون بعضكم على ممارسة تمرينات كهذه بشكل منتظم. و بهذا ستصبح رشيقا في وقت قصير. 24- Write a paragraph about the environment: pollution, global warming, ozone layer, As we know, our environment is in danger and we are the responsible. We are polluting the air, water and soil, causing global warming and making holes in the ozone layer because of the chemical and gas emissions. To reduce these damages, we have to grow more trees and protect the animals. We also have to recycle used materials. In short, all of us have to work together to protect our environment. اكتب موضوعا عن البيئة: التلوث, الاحتباس الحراري, و طبقة الأوزون… The solar system consists of the sun and eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto is no longer a planet. They go round the sun in rings. The sun temperature is 5505˚C. Its eclipse happens when the moon is between it and the Earth. Moreover, the Earth goes around itself and the sun. The solar system is a great and complicated system! 26- Write instructions about how to make tea: If you want to make tea, first, you should fill the tea pot with water. Then put it on the fire. Next, when the water boils, put a bag of tea and leave it about 3 minutes. After that, pour the tea in your cup and add as much sugar as you want. All in all, enjoy drinking a good cup of tea. 27-Write explanations about your choices of sports: For me, tennis is more interesting than other sports that you have to focus while playing it. On the other hand, yoga is better when you are tired after a long day of studying or working. It helps you relax as you don’t need to use your brain when you are trying to rest. All in all, tennis and yoga are the best sports for me. 28- Write a letter giving advice to a student: Dear Rami, I would like to give you some advice for your exam. First, you shouldn’t study the night before your exam. If I were you, I would relax and sleep early. To add, you shouldn’t study all the day. If I were you, I would study 2 hours and have a rest. It is also important to drink fresh fruit juice while studying. All in all, remember to set your alarm clock for not being late. Best wishes Maher 29- Write a paragraph about a job you would like to do. Include: a short job description skills and qualities you need rewards I would like to be a fisherman. It’s so nice, but a dangerous job. I have to work for long times daily and use heavy tools even during storms. It is necessary to be a good swimmer and strong enough. To add, I have to wear waterproof clothes in case I fall into the sea. However, I can earn a lot if I catch many fish. I like this job very much. 30 -You are a merchant in the year 1000 CE going from home town to china on the Silk Road. Write a diary for a day on your journey: Today was very hot and tiring. In the morning, my men and I prepared the camels with the goods and set off. We travelled for long hours in the desert. Then, we got rest for a while and had all the food. However, we could have food in a caravanserai in the evening. We were very tired, so we had dinner and slept there. It was really a tiring day. Monday, 10/7/1000 CE I read about Roald Amundsen very much. Roald Amundsen is a brave Norwegian explorer. He was the first to reach the South Pole. He set off on 20 October with 5 people. They used skis and sledges. They arrived at the South Pole on 14/12/ 1911after a long journey. Amundsen died while trying to rescue a friend from crashing. I like him very much because he gave us lot info about the South Pole. الموضوع عربي : 32- Use the following notes to write a paragraph about the job of a bank clerk: A bank clerk is a good job where you work in a bank or a firm. You usually have to wear a uniform and must speak the language of the country. To add, you have to be good at working with people and dealing with numbers and sums. You have to know your work hours. In order to be a bank clerk, you must have good degrees and work experience. اكتب موضوعا مستخدما الملاحظات التالية عن عمل موظف مصرف: 33-Write a paragraph about a journey you have made: where, when, why and how My family and I went to India last June. It was exciting to go by plane. We were in a hotel and visited many famous places and museums. For me, Taj Mahal was a wonder with its ornamental pools and gardens. We also saw a nice Indian wedding. I liked the Indian dance the most. India, it is the journey I’ll always remember. 34- Write a paragraph about a visit you have made to an interesting place: Last summer, my friends and I visited Lattakia. We stayed in Umm al Tuyoor which has a beautiful beach and a lot of trees. The weather was warm and. We went to the sea and swam. We also had a ride in a yacht. It was exciting. We had lovely times by the sea and saw the wonderful sun set. It was really a great visit to Lattakia. الموضوع عربي : 35-Write a paragraph comparing your daily school routine with your holiday: My school days are boring comparing with my holiday. At school, I always get up early, go to school by foot, and have lessons all the time. I also do homework and projects every day. On the other hand, I stay late at night on holidays and never wake up early. I also meet my friends and play with them in the park. All in all, I like holidays more than school. الموضوع عربي : Nadia is my best Friend. She is slim and tall. She has got fair hair and green eyes. I love her because she is very kind, friendly and funny. To add, she is trustful and honest with all people. We always do homework together and have lovely times at weekends. We love each other because we have the same interests and hobbies. I love Nadia a lot. 38- write a paragraph about your life: I am Rami and I am fourteen. I came from a Syrian family. I have got a brother, Hussam. We live in a big apartment in Damascus. I share a bed room with my brother. I like reading and swimming. Once I got an award for swimming. My best friend is Ahmed. We play chess together. I want to be a fireman because I like helping people. This is my life that I love. 39- Write a composition about what you enjoy most: What I enjoy most is reading. I read novels, poems and stories. Reading is relaxing and feeds the brain at the same time. I have a great group of books in my room. I always find out about the latest novels in the library. I am very happy while reading in my room. For me, reading is the best thing to do. 40- Write a description of someone special to you: I have a super friend called Lama. She has long black hair, and brown eyes, and a lovely smile. I love her because she is kind, clever and understand me although we sometimes argue, but we forgive soon. Both of us like painting and writing poetry. We always spend our holidays together. Lama is my best friend and nothing could part us. الموضوع عربي : اكتب وصفا لشخص مميز بالنسبة لك. لدي صديقة رائعة تدعى لما. إنها ذات شعر أسود طويل و عينان خضراوان. و ابتسامة جميلة. أحبها لأنها لطيفة و ذكية و تفهمني بالرغم أننا نتجادل أحيانا, و لكننا نسامح حالا. كلانا يحب الرسم و كتابة الشعر. نقضي أيام العطل دائما مع بعضنا. لما هي صديقتي المفضلة و لن يفرق أي شيء بيننا. 41- Describe five qualities you think are important in a good friend. Write your reasons for your choices. Provide an example of each quality: My best friend should be special. He should be honest and is always there for me, so he understands how I am feeling, without asking him. He should also have a sense of humor. Even though we argue, we end up laughing. To add, he is someone who is kind, forgives me and helps me overcame any problem. In short, my best friend should be special in everything. الموضوع عربي : اكتب خمس صفات تعتقد أنها ضرورية في الصديق الجيد, و اكتب أسبابك لهذه الاختيارات, و ضع مثالا عنها: يجب على صديقي المفضل أن يكون مميزا. فعليه أن يكون صادقا و متواجد دائما لأجلي, فيعي كيف أشعر حتى دون الطلب منه. يجب عليه أيضا أن يمتلك حس الفكاهة , حيث و إن تجادلنا , ينتهي الأمر بنا نضحك. علاوة على ذلك, إنه شخص لطيف و يسامحني, و يساعدني في التغلب على أية مشكلة. باختصار, يجب أن يكون صديقي المفضل مميزا في كل شيء. 42- Write a paragraph about a charity you know: The Red Cross is a charity that helps people all over the world. It was started in Switzerland in the nineteenth century. It aims to protect human life and health. It also prevents and reduces human problems and treats people the same. In addition, it does many useful things for human beings, such as responding quickly to disasters and promoting respect for human beings. Now there is such society for help all over the world. الموضوع عربي : Last June, I visited Al Talila Reserve, a big nature reserve to the east of Palmyra. There are many different wild animals; some are rare such as antelopes, lapwings and bold Ibis. I learnt interesting information about the wild life and nature. I also had a talk with the park ranger who showed me the paths I had to follow. I had much fun and learn a lot about our beautiful nature. الموضوع عربي : 44- Write a paragraph about your favorite activities: I am an artistic person. I love music and I can play the piano. I am also good at making models, for example I made a decorated wooden box for my CDs. However, I am also good at remembering things and understanding rules and systems. To add, I like science and doing experiments. In short, I am both an artistic and logical person. الموضوع عربي : اكتب موضوعا عن نشاطاتك المفضلة: أنا شخص ذو حس فني. أحب الموسيقا و أستطيع العزب على البيانو. و أنا جيد أيضا في صناعة النماذج, على سبيل المثال صنعت صندوقا خشبيا مزخرفا لأقراص السيديات. على أية حال, أنا جيد أيضا في تذكر الأشياء و فهم القواعد و الأنظمة. بالإضافة, أحب العلوم و القيام بالتجارب. باختصار, أنا شخص ذو حس فني و منطقي التفكير. 45 -Write a short biography: Ibn Al-Haytham was born in Bosra, Iraq 965 AD, and died in 1040 AD. He was the greatest physicist of his time. He investigated the world of light and studied the human eye. He also wrote over 90 works, for example Kitab Al- Manazer, a study of the eye and vision that was translated into Latin. In addition, he created many scientific theories. I admire him because he was a great scientist of his time. الموضوع عربي : اكتب عن سيرة شخص ما: ولد ابن الهيثم في البصرة, العراق عام 965م, و توفي عام 1040م. لقد كان أعظم الفيزيائيين في زمنه. بحث في عالم الضوء و درس العين البشرية. و كتب أيضا أكثر من تسعين عملا, مثل كتاب المناظر و هو دراسة في العين و الرؤية الذي ترجم إلى اللاتينية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك, أحدث العديد من النظريات العلمية. أنا معجب به لأنه كان عالما عظيما في زمنه موضوع انجليزي عن موقع اثري في سوريا موضوع انجليزي عن سوريا للصف الثامن مع العلم أن الموضوع التالي سيجيبك عن الاسئلة التالية : نوطة انكليزي للصف التاسع في سوريا مواضيع التعبير اللغة العربية للصف التاسع في سوريا يقدمها القناة نيوز” مواضيع انكليزي للصف الثامن”حل موضوع الصف الثامن انكليزي عن موقع التاريخي.مواضيع انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الاول – write a fact file about a tourist site in syria
الموضوع الثاني عربي
الموضوع الثالث انكليزي
الموضوع الثالث عربي :
الموضوع الرابع انكليزي
الموضوع الرابع عربي :
الموضوع الاول انكليزي
الموضوع الاول عربي :
الموضوع الخامس انكليزي
الموضوع الخامس عربي :
الموضوع السادس انكليزي
الموضوع السادس عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
7 -Write an email to a friend. Tell him about something that happened to you or to someone else:
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
13 -Write a paragraph comparing between two cities in Syria:
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
To: The tourists Guide Page
Subject: A tourist place
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
19- Write about how to be fit through food, exercise and sleep:
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
25- Write a paragraph about the solar system using: Mercury,…, eclipse, ring…
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
31- Write a paragraph about an explorer you read about:
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
37- Write a description of a friend of yours. Include: looks- personality- things you do together- why you like each other:
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع عربي :
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي
43 -Write a paragraph about a nature park you have visited:
الموضوع الاول انكليزي
الموضوع انكليزي