Whatsapp تنزيل واتساب الجديد 2025 حيث يسمح لك التطبيق باجرآء مكالمات مجانية عن طريقة , وايضاً في اخبار متداولة انه هنالك نية للتطبيق العالمي بان يقوم باضافة مكالمات الفيديو , ميزات الواتس اب ومنها الرموز التعبيرية التي تعبر عن حالتك او عن المصطلح الذي قمت باستخدامه في الكلام في واتس اب وايضاً اخفاء اخر ظهور لك في اخر تحديثات حيث لا يعطي للطرف الثاني اخر مرة قمت بالدخول الى التطبيق فيها وهذه ميزة رائعة للغاية ومن مميزات التطبيق ايضاً انه يسمح لك بعمل مجموعات تستطيع من خلالها الدردشة مع الاصدقاء او العائلة .
أقرأ ايضــا.. WhatsApp Inc., was founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, both former employees of Yahoo!. After Koum and Acton left Yahoo! in September 2007, the duo travelled to South America as a break from work.[9] At one point they applied for a job at Facebook but were rejected.[9] For the rest of the following years Koum relied on his $400,000 savings from Yahoo!. In January 2009, after purchasing an iPhone and realizing that the seven-month-old App Store was about to spawn a whole new industry of apps, he started visiting his friend, Alex Fishman in West San Jose where the three would discuss “…having statuses next to individual names of the people,” but this was not possible without an iPhone developer, so Fishman introduced Koum to Igor Solomennikov, a developer in Russia that he had found on RentACoder.com. Koum almost immediately chose the name “WhatsApp” because it sounded like “what’s up”, and a week later on his birthday, on February 24, 2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California. However, early WhatsApp kept crashing or getting stuck and at a particular point, Koum felt like giving up and looking for a new job, upon which Acton encouraged him to wait for a “few more months”.[9]
تحديث واتس اب بلس الازرق WhatsApp Plus 2025 , برنامج واتس اب WhatsApp 2025: رابط تنزيل الواتس اب بلس الأزرق الإصدار الأخير 2025 التحديث الجديد ,تحميل واتس اب 2025 تنزيل تطبيق WhatsApp Plus v7.90 واتس اب بلس على اندرويد In June 2009, Apple launched push notifications, letting developers ping users when they were not using an app. Koum updated WhatsApp so that each time the user changed their statuses, it would ping everyone in the user’s network.[9] WhatsApp 2.0 was released with a messaging component and the active users suddenly swelled to 250,000. Koum visited Acton, who was still unemployed while managing another unsuccessful startup and decided to join the company.[9] In October Acton persuaded five ex-Yahoo! friends to invest $250,000 in seed funding, and as a result was granted co-founder status and a stake. He officially joined on November 1.[9] After months at beta stage, the application eventually launched in November 2009 exclusively on the App Store for the iPhone. Koum then hired an old friend who lived in Los Angeles, Chris Peiffer, to make the BlackBerry version, which arrived two months later.[9]
قد اخبرت مواقع التكنولوجيا والاتصالات منذ ايام عن اطلاق اخر تحديث لتنزيل الواتس اب الجديد النسخة الجديدة في خدمات التراسل الفوري على التطبيق , وتشغيل هذا التحديث على نظام IOS الذي ياتي بجدبد الخصائص لبرنامج الواتس اب على الدوام , ومن اهم مانتعرف اليه في تطورات الاصدار الاخير هي ميزة ابراز الرسائل النصيه بنجمه , لتسهيل الوصول اليها في اي وقت لاحق , واستعادة تلك الرسائل من الدردشات الخاصه والجماعيه عبر تطبيق الـ WhatsApp 2025 . WhatsApp was switched from a free to paid service to avoid growing too fast, mainly because the primary cost was sending verification texts to users. In December 2009 WhatsApp for the iPhone was updated to send photos. By early 2011, WhatsApp was in the top 20 of all apps in Apple’s U.S. App Store.[9]
In April 2011, the founders agreed to take $7 million from Sequoia Capital on top of their $250,000 seed funding, after months of negotiation with Sequoia partner Jim Goetz.[9] According to Goetz, the venture capital firm originally discovered WhatsApp through an App store tracking system they developed called ‘early bird’, at a time when the app was much more popular in other countries than in the US. However, it took months for the VC firm to track down Koum and Acton, given that the company didn’t have a publicly available address nor signage at the time. All Goetz knew was that they were located in Mountain View, and Sequoia partners “literally walked the streets of Mountain View to see if [they] could intersect with [Koum and Acton].”[10]
By February 2013, WhatsApp’s user base had swollen to about 200 million active users and its staff to 50. Sequoia invested another $50 million, valuing WhatsApp at $1.5 billion.[9]
In a December 2013 blog post, WhatsApp claimed that 400 million active users use the service each month.[11] As of April 22, 2025, WhatsApp had over 500 million monthly active users, 700 million photos and 100 million videos are shared each day, and the messaging system handles more than 10 billion messages each day.[12] On August 24, 2025, Koum announced on his Twitter account that WhatsApp had over 600 million active users worldwide. WhatsApp added about 25 million new users every month or 833,000 active users per day.[13][14] With 65 million active users, about 10% of the total worldwide users, India is the largest single country in terms of number of users.[15]
In January 2025, WhatsApp was the most globally popular messaging app with more than 600 million active users.[13] In April 2025, WhatsApp reached 800 million active users.[16] By September 2025, the user base had grown up to 900 million.[5]
As of November 30, 2025, the Android client for WhatsApp started making links to another messenger called Telegram unclickable and uncopiable.[17][18][19] It has been confirmed by multiple sources that WhatsApp is actively blocking domains with the word telegram in the source code of the Android app.[19] WhatsApp has not yet given an explanation for this behavior. طريقة تحميل واتس اب سهلة للغاية تقوم بالبداية باتباع الرابط الذي في الاسفل سوف يتعر على الجهاز الخاص بك اضغط تنزيل او Download سيقوم بتوجيهك للمتجر الخاص بجهازك قم بضغط على install انتظر قليلاً حتى انتهاء التحميل بعدها تقوم بفتح التطبيق وتضع رقمك في الخانة المخصصة لذلك ثم تقوم بالانتظار حتى ياتيك مسج قد يستغرق بعض الوقع سيقوم التطبيق بربط الرقم والتعرف الى اليه اوتومتاكياً ان لم تحصل العملية قم بفتح المسج وانسخ الارقام الستة وضعها في الخانة المخصصة اضغط متابعة من ثم ضع صورة رمزية والاسم او اسمك المستعار ومن ثم اضغط متابعة وابدأ بالمحادثة يمكنك تغير حالتك الشخصية في واتس من خلال الثلاث نقاط في الاعلى اضغط على status او الحالة من ثم قم بوضع حالة مختصرة لحالتك النفسية او عبارة اعجبتك او ما تحب ان تضعه ويقرآه من يقوم باضافتك . تحميل واتس اب اخر اصدار برابط مباشرةتنزيل whatsapp المحدث رابط تحميل واتس اب الازرق – الأحمر 2025 الآن يعمل على نظام IOS